Alternate Assessments


The MTAS/Alt MCA provide a snapshot of student learning of the academic standards.

Minnesota's alternate assessments, the Minnesota Test of Academic Skills (MTAS) and Alternate Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (Alt MCA), are the standards-based accountability assessments designed for, and limited to, students with the most significant cognitive disabilities. They are designed to measure student progress toward Minnesota's academic standards and meet the requirements of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA). Students who receive special education services and meet the eligibility criteria may take the MTAS/Alt MCA. 
The MTAS is transitioning over to a new assessment in each subject area as new academic standards are implemented.
With the transition to new academic standards, MDE is developing the Alternate MCA, a redesigned alternate assessment that will replace the MTAS. The timeline for the first administration of the Science Alternate MCA is school year 2024–25, Reading Alternate MCA is school year 2025–26, and Mathematics Alternate MCA is anticipated school year 2027-28.
The resources below support educators in understanding the changes with the transition from the MTAS to the Alternate MCA.
  • Science Alt MCA Kickoff Meeting - This presentation provides information to prepare for the administration of the Science Alternate MCA including the modes of administration and materials. They are activities included for participants to experience the Science Alternate MCA administration modes. It also addresses the revisions of the Eligibility Requirements and Learner Characteristics Inventory (LCI).  Handout of the slides and links to resources.
  • Alternate MCA Student Readiness Tools - The materials here include the Online and Paper Student Readiness Tools to interact with the online test form and a video explaining the online test form and paper materials to support paper and hybrid modes of administration.  Task Administration Manuals and sample demonstration videos for Science, Reading and Math Alternate MCA tasks can also be found on this page.
  • MTAS/Alt MCA Released Questions - The Minnesota Questions Tool (MQT) contains released test questions. Educators can use these test questions to better understand how the MTAS and Alt MCA is aligned to the extended benchmarks of the Minnesota K–12 Academic Standards, and how the items are written to reflect the rigor and complexity of the standards. The released content, data tables, and rationales can be used to explore examples of questions that evaluate the knowledge and skills expected in the standards.