MCA Content Resources


The resources below support educators in understanding how the academic standards are assessed on the MCA in each subject domain (math, reading, and science). 

The Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA), is a criterion-referenced assessment, which means it measures a snapshot of learning of the Minnesota K-12 Academic Standards (the criteria). The MCA is used to evaluate equitable implementation of the standards in schools and districts across the state. 

The best preparation for students taking the MCA is grade-level instruction aligned to the academic standards.

Standards-based instruction includes using classroom assessments designed to elicit evidence of student learning toward grade-level standards and inform instruction. 

General Resources 

Test Specifications- Test specifications are specific rules and characteristics that guide the development of a test's content and format. They indicate which strands, sub-strands, standards and benchmarks will be assessed on the test and in what proportions. Test specifications are excellent tools for gaining an in-depth understanding of the content and format of the tests. However, they are not meant to be used as the basis for curriculum and instruction. Some concepts in the academic standards can only be assessed in the classroom and not on a standardized statewide assessment.

Depth of Knowledge (DOK) - Cognitive complexity refers to the cognitive demand associated with a test question. The level of cognitive demand is dependent upon the number of cognitive processes involved in determining the correct answer to a question. Levels of cognitive complexity for MCA-III are based on Norman L. Webb's Depth of Knowledge levels.

Math Resources

  • Grade Level Assessment Details Table – The table located at the bottom of this page contains abbreviated guides from the Math Test Specifications. Each document is organized by grade and subject, so teachers have quick access to the details most relevant to their work.
  • MCA-III Test Specifications: Mathematics, Grades 3-8, 11 (2007 standards) – Review Committees consisting of members of the Minnesota Academic Standards Committee and classroom teachers worked in collaboration to develop the Mathematics MCA-III Test Specifications.
    • Test specifications are specific rules and characteristics that guide the development of a test's content and format.
    • They indicate which strands, standards and benchmarks will be assessed on the test and in what proportions. In addition, they outline the types of items to be included, number of items and distribution of cognitive levels.
    • Test specifications are excellent tools for gaining an in-depth understanding of the content and format of the tests. However, they are not meant to be used as the basis for curriculum and instruction; the academic standards are.
  • Online Calculators – The Academic Standards committee identified several benchmarks across grades 3–8 that students should master without using a calculator. Since the MCA-III are aligned with the Minnesota academic standards, the items assessing benchmarks identified as non-calculator will be assessed within a non-calculator segment of the test.
    • For Grade 11, there are no non-calculator benchmarks. A calculator will be available for student use on all items of the Grade 11 MCA-III.
    • Students may use stand-alone versions of online calculators to practice using the same versions that appear in the online test. These calculators also appear in the item samplers.
  • MCA Formula Sheets - In grades 5–8 and 11 students have access to a formula sheet based on their grade level. These formula sheets also appear in the item samplers.
    • For more information on the philosophy behind the formula sheets please see MCA Formula Sheets (posted on November 30, 2018 by MathBits)
  • MathBits is a monthly publication of articles put out by the Minnesota Council of Teachers of Mathematics (MCTM).
    • Tag: MCA shows all of the MathBits articles written by MDE Math Assessment Specialists on various aspects of the Math MCA. 

Reading Resources

  • Grade Level Assessment Details Table - The table located at the bottom of this page contains abbreviated guides from the Reading Test Specifications. Each document is organized by grade and subject, so teachers have quick access to MCA details most relevant to their work.
  • MCA-III Test Specifications: Reading, Grades 3-8, 10 (2010 standards) - Review Committees consisting of members of the Minnesota Academic Standards Committee and classroom teachers were convened to develop the Reading MCA-III Test Specifications.
    • Test specifications are specific rules and characteristics that guide the development of a test's content and format.
    • They indicate which sub-strands, standards, and benchmarks will be assessed on the test and in what proportions.
    • They outline the types of items to be included, number of items and distribution of cognitive levels.
    • Test specifications are excellent tools for gaining an in-depth understanding of the content and format of the tests. However, they are not meant to be used as the basis for curriculum and instruction. Some concepts in the academic standards can only be assessed in the classroom and cannot be assessed with a standardized test. 

Science Resources

Science MCA - IV Resources (Beginning Spring 2025)



Grade Level Assessment Details

Reading Mathematics Science