As a Minnesota educator, you play a critical role in creating equitable learning opportunities for all Minnesota students. Educators from around the state are needed to serve on Minnesota Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) Review Committees. To ensure state assessments reflect the rich diversity and experiences of all Minnesota students, committees provide feedback that is relevant for all student demographics and learning contexts. Committees that are representative of our student population are essential to the test development process.
Educator MCA Review Committees are an opportunity for educators to give feedback on statewide assessments for each subject, and ensure test content and question type align closely with best practices in classroom instruction. Committees of educators who are experienced in specific content areas will meet throughout various phases of the test development process to accomplish the following objectives:
Review test questions, passages, and scenarios to judge appropriateness of content, cognitive complexity, and ensure inclusive language and content.
Review each test question and its associated data after field testing with students, to determine inclusion of the questions in the item bank, from which the tests are built.
Assist in developing drafts of test specifications that outline eligible test content (this process occurs only after new standards are adopted).
Each committee is a separate entity that meets for two to four days in the spring and summer. When the committee completes their objective, a new committee is formed for the next task in the test development process. Benefits of serving on a committee include:
The opportunity to gain valuable insight on how students are expected to demonstrate mastery of the academic standards on state assessments.
Networking opportunities to learn from educators from around the state who teach the same content area and/or grade level.
Participants are paid an honorarium, or substitute reimbursement is provided for instructional days.
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) are awarded.
Morning refreshments and lunch are provided.
Sign up now to submit your email to the Educator Committee Register. Signing up is not a commitment, but will add your email to our database. When committees are needed, an invitation is sent to eligible participants in the database announcing specific dates and times, and then you may accept or decline the invite.
For more information about what happens in test content review committees, read the Item Review Process infographic.
If you are a teacher and wish to serve on an Educator MCA or Alternate MCA Review Committee, you need two pieces of information to register in the database:
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